Exciting new clues from bioelectric fields - generation of form

We’ve discovered a visible marker for a possible bioelectric field system on the surface of mollusc embryos.

A knowledge of the basis of such fields may be vital in developing regenerative procedures to correct degenerative and aging diseases, cancer and in wound healing.


More on bioelectric fields

Plants and animals generate natural electric currents, in electromagnetic field systems, which predict and correlate with growth and patterning events.

Water mold Brown Alga Flowering plants
Blastocladiella Pelvetia egg Barley root Lilium pollen

Animal kingdom
Arthropods Vertebrates
Cecropia follicle Dysdercus follicle Frog oocyte Cleaving frog egg

Transcellular ion currents ( from Nuccitelli, 1988)

The surface architecture pattern we have discovered on mollusc embryos correlates with:

This suggests that there may be bioelectromagnetic field aspects involved in governing the pattern.

Our aim is to discover the role such fields may play in stimulating “healing” morphogenetic pathways, with prospects of facilitating these pathways when they are impaired or dormant.

How is the genotype transformed into the phenotype?

This is still an unsolved problem! Various authors acknowledge this. For instance,

The crucial link between the patterning genes and the actual limb-shaping processes is not established” (Towers and Tickle, 2009).

“There is an “enormous gap between the genotype and phenotype, unbridged even in single cell morphogenesis” (Gordon and Parkinson, 2005).

Such medical applications suggest that “deciphering and learning to control shape is thus arguably the fundamental problem of biology and medicine" (Levin, 2012b).

In addition to bioelectromagnetic studies, to probe this question we are investigating taxonomic types empirically determined by hybridization data.

The identification of these types can be of crucial significance in discovering how form is generated. This in turn is fundamental to development of regenerative strategies in medicine.


Gordon, R. and Parkinson, J. (2005). Potential roles for diatomists in nanotechnology. J. Nanosci. Nanotech 5: 35-40
Levin, M., 2012. Morphogenetic fields in embryogenesis, regeneration, and cancer: Non-local control of complex patterning. Biosystems doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2012.04.005
Nuccitelli, R (1988). Physiological electric fields can influence cell motility, growth and polarity. Adv. Cell Biol. 2:213-232.
Towers, M. and Tickle, C. (2009). Generation of pattern and form in the developing limb. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 53: 805-812 doi: 10.1387/ijdb.072499mt
Tyler SE, Kimber SJ. (2006). The dynamic nature of mollusc egg surface architecture and its relation to the microtubule network. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 50(4), 405-12
Tyler SE, Butler RD, Kimber SJ. (1998). Morphological evidence for a morphogenetic field in gastropod mollusc eggs. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 42(1), 79-85